I stopped on my way to work this evening and took a couple pictures. They're just cell pictures, but I'm using them to make a point.
A country road at sunset. Cornfields on either side, occasional farm houses, barns, trailers, etc. What makes this road special?
If I stand on this road and look east, this is the sign I see:
And if I look west?
So what's the difference? I've moved my residence from one side of the line to the other, when we purchased our house. Earlier this month our governor signed a bill that allows me to hunt with my .270 or AR on one side of the line, but only with my shotgun on the other. (It had been shotgun-only for both before.)
Thanks to NY's bizarre pistol permitting process, a permit from one side of the line takes 3-6 months and will always be stamped "HUNTING AND TARGET USE ONLY". The other side? No restrictions; true "concealed carry".
One other little bit... one is red on the map, and the other is blue.
Imagine that... and guess which side I moved to. Then tell me what the real difference is from one side of that road to the other.
5 years ago
1 comment:
Then tell me what the real difference is from one side of that road to the other
More importantly can anyone tell the difference in YOU from one side of the line to the other?
Do you suddenly become reckless and unable to exercise reasonable restraint in firearms unless you are hunting?
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