Oct 27, 2009

Semper Fi...

Every picture tells a story - but this one has a much longer story to go with it.

Go read it. Please.

And have a box of kleenex handy.


Bob S. said...


Please increase your warning level for a story like that.

It is majorly uncool to have a reader leaking tears at work.

Great story but hit home in a major way. I have a son in the Marines now. Stationed in Okinawa and not likely to deploy, at least as a unit to either sandbox....but I worry.

Thanks for pointing out that story

ZerCool said...


I had to stop reading several times to re-compose myself at work.

Thank your son for me - and thank you for raising the kind of son who would be a Marine.

I'm on dial-up right now, but there is a large collection of photos that goes with the story; I have the whole thing saved on a disk at work. If you like I can email it to you, about a 10MB file.

Bob S. said...

If you would email me I would appreciate it.

I figure my wife should read it also....she loves a great cry every now and then.

I'll pass on my thanks to T (my son) soon. He'll be home for the Christmas holidays.

He's a great kid, we are quite proud of him.