Jun 25, 2012

2012 Group Hunt

I'm going to give this another go.

I just put in a time-off request for the week following Thanksgiving (11/25-12/1). Plan on three days somewhere in that week. If you want in, email me - zercool/gmail.


Ruth said...

I can't make the hunt (that week's going to SUCK at work), but I'd like to put in a request for any organ meat not wanted by the hunters (including, but not limited too heart, kidney, and liver), if you can spare me the freezer space for it till I can run down there the weekend after?

ZerCool said...

Ruth, freezer space is definitely not an issue. I won't make any promises, but I'll see what I can do. :-)

Ruth said...

Since there isn't even a promise of deer thats all I can ask! Its for the dogs, organs are the hard part to source of a raw diet, so I'm pestering all the hunters I know as people plan for deer season....