I looked at the issue some more, and decided that since the end wall was built to have a 6/12 rafter sitting across the top, I really needed to correct the ridgepole height. It turned out to be a relatively simple fix thanks to the jig I had the ridge sitting in. I bumped the pole out of the jig and tapped in a scrap of 2x6 cut to length, then dropped the ridge back on and tacked a couple scraps of 2x4 on the jig to make up for the height change.
That done, I put a rafter across the top plate to the ridge, and the angles lined up perfectly. Since I was using the hurricane ties and not bothering with birdsmouth cuts, it became a matter of measuring spacing and tacking up rafters. I should note that this probably does *not* meet building code - hurricane ties are designed to reinforce a birdsmouth's connection, not replace it - but I believe it will be more than adequate for my needs. I'll be putting vertical ties on the inside of the top plate as well, just to be doubly sure.
Doing this as a solo job is NOT easy. After dropping rafters more than once (one bending a cord-wrap-peg-thingy on my compressor, and a second bruising the heck out of my left tricep), I got smart(ish). I put a 2" 6d nail through the top of each plumb cut, tacked the rafter to the ridgepole, then nailed it on with the framing nailer. Then I climbed back down and nailed the hurricane plate to the rafter.
I don't know if there's a "right" order to attach rafters, I put on the first rafter in from the gable on either end first, then just filled down the middle. I got one of the gable rafters done before running short on time, so I knocked in collar ties on all the common rafters and took my jig out from the gable.
Tomorrow, if the weather cooperates, I'll be putting in the last set of gable rafters, hopefully finishing the wall sheathing, and maybe getting some of the roof deck down. The gable overhangs are small enough that I don't need to cut lookouts - I'll do a barge rafter and let the roof deck hold up the barge rafters.
Here's the jig I knocked together for the ridgepole - this is removed after the rafters are in so that I can put in gable studs.
Just on top of the wall, you can see the collar ties. These are 2x4s, eight feet long, that are leveled and tacked to the rafter on either end to keep the roof load vertical instead of a horizontal/spreading load against the walls.
End view, with a good look at the saltbox profile. The chicken coop will be the left third that has a floor, the goats at the far (floorless) end, and the remaining space will be space for animal and garden supplies.
I feel like this project is finally starting to look like something...
And I can't thank DoubleTrouble enough for his tip about rafter hangers on the top plate to get things lined up. (Also known as hurricane ties.) Thanks again, friend.
1 comment:
Looking good Sir, looking good!
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