In talking with MrsZ over the past few days, one thing has become crystal clear: I've sidelined most of the things I used to really love. And I'm not entirely sure why.
I can point at some things and name a cause. I got thoroughly burned out in the fire service, and then we moved to an area that has a less-active department. I'm still a member but not really active.
I don't have the passion for guns that I used to. Or hunting. Making the time for either seems like an effort.
And... photography.
And that's where I need help.
I haven't picked up my DSLR in months, maybe even years. I'm no Oleg but I used to be a pretty fair shot.
So here's what I want: ask for pictures. Toss it in comments and I'll see what I can do. Any subject. I'll see what I can do.
5 years ago
Well, I always like pictures of farm animals doing ridiculous things (for instance, chickens perched up in the rafters, or a cat rolling in the dirt).
How about a challenge?
Take 5 pictures of things that have significant meaning for you.
Avoid the easy -- the fire truck, a gun, etc.
One of the things I enjoy about photography is being able to tell a story with the picture.
So what matters to Zercool?
I agree with Bob, though I wouldn't complain about good old gun pr0n. :)
Say "Here. Hold strange gun. Now take off clothes." with a Russian accent. It appears to work for Oleg. :D
... Oddly, Tam, I think I might be able to arrange that without the Russian accent. All it takes is a really big ... um ... lens.
I'd like a picture of peace and contentment. Because this is a gunblog, I'll also ask for one of bacon. Hee! :-)
Something haunting. Beautiful, but just a little creepy...
go outside. walk 50 feet away from your door, and look around you. find something interesting to shoot within 5 feet of you.
is a challenge my dad used to train himself to have a better eye.
Take pictures of old buildings. Go to the historical part of town, or the historical part of the nearest town that has one, and crazy go nuts on your memory cards. And if you can get pictures of people at those buildings who remember when they weren't so old, bonus points.
Let's go on a photowalk next week. I'll have loads of time.
Stars. Skypics.
Tell you what, as think I'm kind of feeling what you are, send me 5 pictures and I'll try to get rid of my writer's block and write 5 stories about them and email them back to you.
I'd also try to get to the range at least once a month if I were you. Because of your post, I've dusted off my range bag and am going to head there as soon as I get my younger to his swim practice. Stick with your range, $60 isn't that much to have a club at the ready.
Well, having been to your home, maybe you should take the camera out with you and scout out some hunting sites near there. Really pretty country, and you could kill 2 birds with one stone. Then come Hunting Season, you can look at the Photos and see the differences. Amazing how much Snow and Leaves can change a perspective on what might be good spot.
ooh pics .. i like silent / old / deserted places ... no people ... please no people in pics ... (well unless they're holding guns)
People on the firing line, with there permission of course.
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